Steganos Safe 2009 v11.0.3.7105
- 27 мая 2009
- Программы
Steganos Safe - программа для шифрования данных, позволяет создать на компьютере виртуальный шифрованный диск для хранения жизненно важных файлов и конфиденциальной информации. Вы можете создавать любое количество защищенных дисков объемом до 512 Гб каждый. В программе Steganos Safe Professional используется AES, самый современный мировой алгоритм шифрования с кодами длиной 256 бит. Как и все шифровки Steganos, он ни разу не был взломан.
Кроме введения пароля вручную, данные можно также шифровать, используя, например, USB устройство или мобильный телефон. Таким образом, сотрудникам нет необходимости запоминать пароли: Им необходимо просто подсоединить свое USB устройство, и данные откроются автоматическ.
Steganos Safe содержит модуль для генерирования сложных паролей, средства для защиты почтовых программ Outlook, Outlook Express и Windows Mail. Также имеется возможность создавать Portable Safe — расшифровку данных можно легко произвести на любом компьютере без установки дополнительного программного обеспечения.
Механизм защиты от сбоев (Automatic Crash Protection) гарантирует, что данные будут зашифрованы даже в случае аварийного завершения работы или перебоев с электропитанием.
Steganos Safe — Highly secure data protection that’s fast and easy. It's more than a little unsettling knowing that a perfect stranger has access to your private things. But this is exactly what can happen if your laptop or portable media gets lost or stolen. When you consider the staggering number of incidents involving lost or stolen hardware, it's crucial to ensure that you're protecting your data in order to safeguard your privacy.
Apart from the manual password entry, data can also be encrypted via USB stick or mobile phone, for example. Thus, employees do not have to remember their passwords: They only have to connect their USB stick to make the safe open automatically. If someone forgets about his password or loses a key device, the administrator can use the Emergency Decryption Key (EDK) to access the data. The password chosen originally still remains secret. The use of these features can be configured and controlled via group policies.
— Hotkey Support — Open and close your safe conveniently using a key combination.
— Mail client Safe — Protect e-mails, contacts, calendar entries and tasks in the safe. This protects your mail client data when you lose your PC. Works for Outlook, Outlook Express and Windows Mail.
— Emergency decryption with the Emergency Decryption Key (EDK) — If a user has forgotten a password, the administrator can nevertheless access data using the Emergency Decryption Key. However, the password actually used by the user always remains a secret.
— Active Directory support — Convenient and central installation, configuration and administration through the standard Windows technology; Active Directory.
— Security policies — Administrative templates for the group policy editor enable you to implement your security policies: Determine password policies, whether data is to be permanently destroyed and how this would be done and if key devices such as USB sticks are permitted for use — and much more.
— No training, no hidden costs — Can be implemented without additional infrastructure or expensive training.
— Share secure drives in a network — Several authorized users receive read access to a common secure drive in the network. For each session, the first one to open the Safe receives read/write access, all following users have read only-access.
— MSI-based installation — Installation through Windows Installer or other software management systems.
— 256 Bit AES in real time — Uncracked. Unrivalled. The world's most progressive encryption algorithm protects your data. So fast that you don't even notice it.
— Any number of safes — Create any number of secure drives — each with up to 512 GB capacity. And change the size as required.
— Steganos Portable Safe — Simply take your encrypted data with you: On CD and DVD or even rewriteable on USB sticks. Usable anywhere without additional software — all you need is a password.
— USB stick as key — Open your safe without a password: simply by using a USB stick, SmartPhone, PDA, memory card or digital camera.
— Use mobile phones as access tokens for secure drives — You can open the safe with your ActiveSync-capable SmartPhone — with Bluetooth even without a cable. When you move away from your computer the safe closes automatically.
— Dynamic safe size — Specify the size of your secure drives yourself — and change these at any time as you require.
— Shredder — Deleted files can often be recreated. Is that what you want? Steganos Shredder provides secure deletion — and more.
— Only the best passwords — The integrated multilingual dictionary recognizes unsafe passwords — and warns you.
— Automatic updates — Steganos keeps your software up-to-date — free of charge within a generation.
System requirements
— Operating systems: Windows XP Home Edition (at least Service Pack 2), XP Professional (at least Service Pack 2), Vista (32 bit), Vista (64 bit)
— 100 MB of space on your hard drive for installation
— Screen resolution of at least 800x600 pixels
— High color (16 Bit)
— At least 256 MB of free memory
— At least Pentium or comparable CPU
— Internet connection (must-have for product activation and updates)
— A mouse or another Windows-compatible pointing device
— For Steganos Safe: Additional hard-disk space is needed for the secure drives. In order to use 512 GB per drive, you need the NTFS file system. The FAT32 file system enables a maximum capacity of 4 GB per secure drive.
— For Portable Safe: CD or DVD burner with corresponding software. Optional and temporary up to 8.5 GB hard-drive space for the Portable Safe package files. In order to use a Portable Safe on another computer administrator priviliges are required for the installation of the decryption program.
— Secure drives cannot be decrypted when stored on compressed NTFS drives.
— Supported key devices: ActiveSync-compatible devices (e.g. SmartPhones, PDAs), all devices that are recognized by Windows as rewriteable removable media (e.g., USB sticks, memory cards, digital cameras).
— No key devices are included in the delivery
— Limited functionality: no Mail Client Safe for Windows Vista 64 Bit
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