ShellLess Explorer 1.2.0b Build 0122
- 19 февраля 2009
- Программы
ShellLess Explorer - долгожданный потрясающий Мульти-панельный Навигатор и Файловый Манипулятор, - всеобъемлющее решение позицируемое в качестве полной замены примитивного Проводника, порадует тех, кто использует компьютер исключительно для работы, - значительно экономя время, при выполнении ежедневной рутинной работы с документами, файлами и папками их размещения. Симбиоз состоящий из лучших и адаптированных для этих целей инструментов: потрясающего встраиваемого "доведенного до ума" Проводника (Обозревателя), интеллектуального двух-панельного Файлового Менеджера и Манипулятора, с памятью производимых действий и популярных путей передвижения, для обратного возвращения и повторения одинаковых действий. Имеет и ряд исключительных особенностей, - в виде записи и просмотра событий и файлов по дням и мгновенного к ним доступа, многоступенчатой отмены операций, буфера в виде временной Корзины хранения и частичного и полно-именного поиска. Довольно приветлив и прост в использовании, интуитивно понятен и старт осуществляется неожиданно с места, при полной интеграции с системой.
Play Without Shell! Manage Your Files like You Have Never Done Before ShellLess Explorer. Nowadays it becomes harder and harder to keep track of the files you have stored on your computer for the sole reason that the HDD capacity has increased considerably. It is obvious that you not only need time to find what you are looking for but also a lot of patience. In this type of situations, ShellLess comes to the rescue. This simple yet powerful application is perfect for browsing the files on your compute. With its tabbed browsing feature, you can easily switch between different common operations and keep track of multiple files.
Tabbed Multi-Panel Interface - Ultra easy to work with numerous folders at the same time.
Fast and easy to navigate to any places you want - A navigation bar and a list of MRU files/folders are provided
Quick File Finder - Too many files to find what you want? Just type the keyword and get it!
Undo List - Lists all the file actions you have performed and allows you to undo any of them
To-do Cart - Drag and drop files into the cart from different folders and then use them whenever you desire!
Fully Customizable - Tool bars, menus, hot keys, themes, layouts...
Others - Favorite bar, History record...
Tabbed Multi-Panel Interface
Tabbed Multi-panels that allow you to easily drag and drop files from one location to another. This feature comes in handy when you need to move files from one place to several folders. There is no limit to the number of panels you can open so all you have to do is be sure you don't get confused.
Navigation Bar
The vista-like navigation bar is very easy to control, which gives the user fast access to parent folders of current browse path. Simply click on the button to navigate to that parent folder.
MRU/MFU Folder List
ShellLess Explorer remembers the files and folders that you have visited so that you can access them again in case you have forgotten their exact location. This can prove to be useful especially if you are moving files from one location to another or if you have closed the application by mistake.
Quick File Finder/Filter
Too many files to find what you want ? Can't remember full name of the file? Just type the keyword in the folder view and get all files that matches your keywords in no time at all.
Undo List For File Operation
Have you ever done something by accident and couldn't undo it? Well, with ShellLess you will no longer have that problem. It has the ability to undo any action that you have performed and that way you can never delete or misplace files or folders by mistake. You can easily select the action you have performed and undo it. It's that simple.
To-do File Cart
At some point all of us wanted to move files from one location to another but got so lost in browsing through files. With Todo Cart this will never happen again because you can simply drag and drop files that you want to work with into the cart area and then you can use it whenever you desire, regardless of your current browsing location.
Favorite Bar
Favorite Bar allows you to add your common places to favorite bar. With Favorite Bar you'll never click by click to navigate to the deep folders.
You can add folder of the tab to Favorite Bar via Right-click Menu of the tab.
History Record
All files and folders you have recently accessed are organized by day.
With this feature you can easyly review what you had accessed a few days ago.
Размер: 5.22 MB