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ShellToys v6.4.0

ShellToys v6.4.0

Более 50-ти основных, плюс 20 экстра необходимых инструментов откроется для вас,с этой уникальной программой, простым правым щелчком мыши. Это и грабинг CD; и конвертация музыки в WMA, MP3 и Ogg; конвертация и редактирование графических файлов - bitmap, JPEG, GIF, TIFF и PNG; распаковщик zip, jar, rar или cab -архивов; проигрыватель медиафайлов; сканер-определять основных потребителей дискового пространства; калькулятор MD5/CRC; создание виртуальных дисков, для часто используемых папок; синхронизатор папок или файлов; шифровальщик файлов алгоритмом 448-bit Blowfish и многопроходный уничтожитель; календарь-напоминатель, будильник и многое многое другое. Поддержка новой OC Vista. Эта версия выпущена в связи с возникшим конфликтом с системой безопасности Symantec Norton 360 v2.0.

CFi ShellToys puts the tools you need right where you need them – just a click away on your context menu. Right-click one or more files or folders, the desktop or the window background for instant access to 50 context-sensitive shell extensions.

Changes and additions in ShellToys 6.4.0:

Adds support for 64-bit (x64) versions of Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Adds support for Windows Server 2008.

The Custom Menus feature now allows you to define your own named submenus (in addition to the default 'Rarely Used' submenu) and organize related context menus items into different submenus. In Windows Vista and higher, with desktop composition enabled, you can also specify an icon to be displayed alongside the 'Rarely Used' submenu and your own custom menus.

When setting up the Custom Menus feature, you can leave the Custom Menus configuration dialog open you right-click items in Explorer. Each time you choose "Customize Menus" from the Rarely Used submenu, the dialog will update automatically to show the items on the last-used context menu.

The Custom Menus feature now allows you to keep the familiar "Properties" and "Personalize" menu items at the bottom of the context menu, even if you've chosen to place the custom menus at the bottom of context menus.

When using Copy/Move To Folder with the chosen action set to 'Copy items to multiple folders', you can now save the list of target folders as a named 'folder group', making it a much quicker task to reselect the same folders in future.

The Copy Path dialog now offers options to enclose copied paths in single- or double-quotes, and to escape backslash characters (replacing '\' with '\\').

If you use Clock+ and/or Drag-and-drop taskbar buttons, and the Explorer shell process crashes for any reason, these features will now be re-enabled automatically when the shell restarts and the taskbar reappears.

Fixes a bug in the Portfolio window which could cause it to crash on opening in some circumstances.

Fixes a bug in AutoType in which unwanted carriage-returns (blank lines) could be added to the end of AutoType text items.

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