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Advanced ETL Processor v2.2.12.0

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Advanced ETL Processor v2.2.12.0

Интеллектуальная утилита для работы с различными базами данных, которая позволяет извлекать, проверять и загружать данные, производить обмен и конвертирование между базами данных. Advanced ETL Processor работает со всеми распространенными видами баз данных, поддерживает загрузку, проверку, преобразование, группировку и сортировку таблиц данных. Программа обладает функциями запуска хранимых процедур или SQL-скриптов после завершения загрузки данных. В Advanced ETL Processor возможно добавление новых и обновление старых записей на основе первичного ключа. Программа обладает понятным графическим интерфейсом, отображающим связи между таблицами баз данных. Для работы программы потребуются предварительно установленные в системе MDAC, драйвера SQL ODBC, MS ACCESS ODBC, DBF ODBC, а также Oracle Client.

Advanced ETL Processor is designed to automate extracting data from ANY database , transform , validate it and load into ANY database . Typical usage of it would be extract data from Excel File,Validate Date Formats, Sort data , deduplicate it and load it into the database, run stored procedure or Sql script, once loading is completed. Unlike Oracle SQL loader, BCP, DTS or SSIS Advanced ETL Processor can also add new and update old records based on primary key.

Some examples of what our customers use this ETL tool for include:

Extract data from:
Multiple Delimited or Fixed width Text files
Multiple Excel files + Multiple Excel Spreadsheets
Multiple MS Access Databases
Multiple DBF Files
Any ODBC compliant database
MS Sql Server
Multiple Tables

And Load it into:
Multiple Data Targets
Sql scripts execution before and after loading
Delimited or Fixed width Text file
MS Access Database
Microsoft Excel File
DBF File
Oracle 7-11g database
SQL server 7- 2005
Any ODBC compliant database

Save time by automating Everyday tasks:
Move data from one system to another
Import sales into marketing system
Validate and correct key data
Remove duplicate data
Avoid re-keying data

Key Facts

Multiple Delimited or Fixed width Text files
Multiple Excel files + Multiple Excel Spreadsheets
Multiple MS Access Databases
Multiple DBF Files
Any ODBC compliant database
MS Sql Server
Multiple Tables
Full support for ODBC connection strings

190 Validation Functions
String Validation
Number Validation
Date Validation
Time Validation
Validation Against list of values
Regular Expressions: Post codes, Phone Numbers, VAT Numbers ETC

36 Transformation Functions
String Transformation
Number Transformation
Date Transformation
Multiple Date Formats
Translating coded values (e.g., if the source system stores 1 for male and 2 for female, but the warehouse stores M for male and F for female)
Deriving a new calculated value (e.g., sale amount = qty * unit price)
Joining together data from multiple fields
Summarizing multiple rows of data (e.g., total sales for each store, and for each region)
Generating surrogate key values
Transposing or pivoting (turning multiple columns into multiple rows or vice versa)
Splitting a column into multiple columns (e.g., putting a comma-separated list specified as a string in one column as individual values in different columns)
Customised Transformation

Multiple Data Targets
Sql scripts execution before and after loading
Delimited or Fixed width Text file
MS Access Database
Microsoft Excel File
DBF File
Oracle 7-11g database (using OCI API)
Full support for Oracle Instant Client
SQL server 7- 2005 (using BCP API)
Any ODBC compliant database (Using ODBC API)
Full support for ODBC connection strings


There are two ways of loading available:
Oracle direct path loading
Conventional path

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SQL server

This software uses the same API as Microsoft DTS service.

High performance - hundreds of records per second
Comprehensive Error log
Rejected records file
Low OS Memory consumption

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Advanced ETL Processor v2.2.12.0

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