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[WTF-MacOS] 5 Cracked iPhone/iPod Appstore Apps

[WTF-MacOS] 5 Cracked iPhone/iPod Appstore Apps

To use these you must have a jailbroken iPod touch or iPhone on 2.0 firmware.

Gameplay: 9/10 (Amazing…just amazing)
Graphics: 7/10 (the game doesn’t need great graphics, though it gets laggy)
Story: 3/10 (as you complete each level, a tree grows…that’s it)
Fun: 9/10 (Very fun…experimenting with different elements is a lot of fun)
Addictive: 9/10 (Experimenting with different elements is very, very addictive)
Price: 9/10 (Completely worth the $7.99 price-tag)
Average (Overall, Mathematical): 8/10
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Enigmo is the most unique game that you'll find for the iPhone or iPod Touch. It is a 3D puzzle game where you manipulate slides, bumpers, and other pieces to control streams of flowing liquid. Liquids (water, oil, and lava) fall from "droppers" and will bounce around the walls of a puzzle. You move and rotate the various puzzle pieces in order to divert the flow of the falling droplets so that they can reach their target. The faster you complete each level, the more bonus you will receive.
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