Hi6000 MiniServX v6.27
- 25 июля 2008
- Программы
Веб сервер + PHP + SQLite.
MiniServX is a high-quality portable web server containing PHP and MySQL.
Key features:
1. Server support HTTP/1.1, HTTP GET/POST/HEAD, PHP ISAPI, etc.
2. PHP 4.4.8/5.2.6, which includes Zend Optimizer 3.3.3 and SQLite.
3. MySQL 4.1.22/5.0.51a, port is 63306, user/password is root/none.
4. Requirements: Windows NT, 2000, XP (Recommended), 2003, Vista.
5. You can copy MiniServX on a CD, DVD, USB flash drive and run it.
6. Allow you to redistribute copies of MiniServX + Your Website.
7. Use it: websites demos, backups, distribute CDs (e.g. marketing), offline information access.
OS: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista
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