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R-Tools R-Drive Image 4.3.4309

R-Tools R-Drive Image 4.3.4309

Мощная программа для резервного копирования информации с жесткого диска компьютера. Позволяет создавать имидж логических и физических жестких дисков, а также их разделов не выходя из Windows. Имидж файлы могут быть сохранены на различные известные виды носителей, такие как CD-R(W) or DVD-R(W) , Iomega Zip or Jazz. Позволяет создавать специальные загрузоные дискеты для восстановления системных разделов жеского диска. Для восстановления отдельных файлов из имиджа досточно подключиться к виртуальному диску через Windows Explorer и скопировать требуемые файлы.

R-Drive Image 4.3 is a potent utility providing disk image files creation for backup or duplication purposes. A disk image file contains the exact, byte-by-byte copy of a hard drive, partition or logical disk and can be created with various compression levels on the fly without stopping Windows OS and therefore without interrupting your business. These drive image files can then be stored in a variety of places, including various removable media such as CD-R(W)/DVD, Iomega Zip or Jazz disks, etc.

R-Drive Image restores the images on the original disks, on any other partitions or even on a hard drive's free space on the fly. To restore system and other locked partitions R-Drive Image is switched to the pseudo-graphic mode directly from Windows or bootable version created by the utility is launched from CD disc or diskettes.

Using R-Drive Image, you can completely and rapidly restore your system after heavy data loss caused by an operating system crash, virus attack or hardware failure. You can also use R-Drive Image for mass system deployment when you need to setup many identical computers. In other words, you can manually setup one system only, create an image of the system, and then deploy it on all other computers, saving your time and costs. If you need to restore only certain files from a disk image, you can connect that image as a virtual disk and copy those files directly from the disk image using Windows Explorer or any other file utility.

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Size/Размер: 10.14 МБ

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