Multilizer Enterprise
- 20 марта 2008
- Программы
Multilizer - мощная по своим возможностям программа для создания локализаций приложений, а проще говоря, для перевода менюшек программ и всего остального на другие языки. multilizer понимает большое количество форматов, различает тип языка программирования, на котором написана программа, позволяя редактировать программы, предназначенные для разных операционных систем - Windows, Windows.NET, 16-bit Windows, Windows CE, Java, Palm, Symbian и т.п. Программа поддерживает большое число опций, позволяющих не то что без особого труда, но даже с комфортом, заниматься локализацией, в том числе имеется функция импорта в проект уже готовых переводов.
Multilizer 2007 Enterprise is designed for enterprises that want to get maximum savings in localization; this product is optimized for multi-format projects and for automation of repetitive tasks.
Multilizer 2007 Enterprise supports following software and document formats:
- . Net
- Delphi/C++Builder (including Turbo Delphi, and Delphi 2007).
- Localization of standard executables: .exe, .dll, .ocx, etc.
- HTML, PHP, ASP, etc.
- CustomText (virtually any textfile can be localized by using regular expressions).
Unlike other products, there's no limit for supported formats; Multilizer 2007 plugins are available for database localization, localization of PowerPoint presentations, etc.
More functionality, more possibilities
- Multilizer 2007 Enterprise contains all the features and support for file formats needed in most localization projects.
If these are not enough, the functionality can be expanded with plugins
- Scanner plugins; support for localizing additional formats
- Importer plugins; support for importing translations from a wide range of 3rd-party formats.
- Translation Memory plugins; support for integrating Multilizer 2007 with translation memories.
- See Multilizer 2007 Feature Matrix for availability of plugins.
Automation of localization process
Multilizer 2007 Enterprise includes a command-line tool that allows users to automate nearly every aspect of localization process. The tool can be automated to create new localization projects, scan, build, import/export translations, share translation work, display projects statistics, etc.
Multilizer 2007 Enterprise key benefits:
- Automation of localization process.
- Support both for software and document formats.
- Additional features with plugins.
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