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Breakout Technologies MonitorIT v8.0.40

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Breakout Technologies MonitorIT v8.0.40

MonitorIT - это комплекс, предназначенный для дистанционного мониторинга и анализа производительности 32-разрядных Windows систем и серверов. К числу основных пользователей MonitorIT относятся: сетевые администраторы; системные аналитики; системные интеграторы; Интернет менеджеры; технический персонал. MonitorIT производит мониторинг и анализ состояния аппаратных средств (сети, оперативной памяти, внешней памяти, центрального процессора), ОС (Windows 95/98, Windows NT, Windows 2000) и программных приложений (таких, как Internet Information Server)...

Breakout Technologies MonitorIT v8.0.40

Breakout Technologies MonitorIT v8.0.40

Agent and Console communications

Now, you can optionally configure remote, distributed SYSLOG and SNMP Trap & Query monitoring using one or more deployed MonitorIT Agents running on a Windows machine as a service, and all transparently integrated with the central MonitorIT Server and MonitorIT's standard Watches, Displays, and Reports using MonitorIT's Internet Explorer based console.

Groups enhanced:
new 'Secondary' Group concept where a server/device can belong to multiple 'Secondary' Groups; original Groups are now designated as 'Primary' Groups.

Watches and CounterWatch Reports can be assigned to the original 'Primary' Groups and the new 'Secondary' Groups; servers/devices assigned to Groups automatically pick up the Watches and CounterWatch Reports that are assigned to the Groups.

designate 'Default' Secondary Groups so that any new Agents are automatically assigned to one or more 'Default' Secondary Groups and thus automatically pick up the Watches and CounterWatch Reports.

Active Directory Integration:
In 'Configure->Security' for the MonitorIT console, you can pick from your list of Active Directory Groups or Users. If you specify a Group, then any member of that Group is authorized. In both Groups and Users, the authentication is done via Active Directory so you do not provide any passwords in 'Configure->Security'; the password you provide when you log on is authenticated through a call to Active Directory so the user can use the same UserName/Password as he uses for Windows.

In Event Log Watches, you can you can pick from your list of Active Directory Groups and Users for the 'User' parameter, and if you specify a Group, then any User in the Group would match on the event criteria. This makes it easier to define an Event Log Watch rule to monitor, for example, changes to the Administrators Group.

In the Event Log Archive Viewer as well as in the Event Log Reports->Query setup you will also be able to use the same pick list of your current Active Directory Groups and Users when defining filters for the Viewer or for the Reports making it easier to be selective on what you are filtering for reporting and viewing.

Monitor Hardware Configuration for changes and optionally alert when changes are detected
Monitor selected Registry Keys/Values for changes and optionally alert when changes are detected
Monitor and optionally alert when server reboots/restarts are detected
Significantly enhance ‘Alert Notification’ Report performance for EventLogWatch using the 'Query' and Syslog with 'Query'; in some scenarios the enhancement is as much as 50 to 1 and what previously took hours to complete now completes in minutes

Add a new 'Large Icon' option to the 'Network Status' dashboard display so that status icons are more easily viewed from a distance


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