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Ensemble Unicorn & Oni Wytars - Music of the Troubadours

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Michael Posch • Marco Ambrosini

Ensemble Unicorn & Oni Wytars - Music of the Troubadours

Антология песен и музыки трубадуров Южной Франции. Один из лучших «трубадурских» альбомов.

Early music | 1999 | Mp3 320 kbps | 190 Mb + 5% Recovery | Booklet

Ensemble Unicorn & Oni Wytars - Music of the Troubadours
Couple a cheval avec un mai, Missel franciscain, Lyon, 1490

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1. Berenguier de Palou (fl. early 12th century) - Tant m'abelis
2. Anon. (12th century) - Domna, pos vos ay chausida (instr.)
3. Giraut de Bornelh (c.1140-c.1200) - Non puesc sofrir qu'a la dolor
Peire Cardenal (?1180-?1278) - Ar me puesc lauzar d'Amor (contrafactum)
4. Anon. - Bujo (instrumental)
5. Raimon de Miraval (fl. 1180-1215) - Bel m'es qu'ieu chant
6. Ramon Llull - Cantaben els osells

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7. Berenguier de Palou - Ai tal domna
8. Giraut de Bornelh - Reis glorios
9. Anon. - Ara lausatz, lausat, lausat
10. Guiraut Riquier (c.1230-c.1300) - Humils forfaitz
11. Bernart de Ventadorn (c.1130-40-c.1190-1200) - Quan vei la lauzeta mover
12. Jaufre Rudel (fl. mid-12th century) - Lanquan li jorn

Playing time: 69'' 32"

Recording: W.A.R. Studio, Vienna from 4th to 6th June 1996.

Cover Painting: Troubadours, German anon. 14th Century

Ensemble Unicorn & Oni Wytars - Music of the Troubadours
Katharina Dustmann with zarb

director: Michael Posch and Marco Ambrosini

Maria D. Laffitte - voice
Thomas Wimmer - fiddle, laud
Riccardo Delfino - gothic harp, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe
Peter Rabanser - gaita, bujo, ud, nay, saz
Katharina Dustmann - davul, zarb, bendir, def
Wolfgang Reithofer - tenor drum, goblet drum, tambourine
Marco Ambrosini - fiddle, keyed fiddle, shawm
Michael Posch - recorders, bambooflutes

Ensemble Unicorn & Oni Wytars - Music of the Troubadours
Marco Ambrosini with the Nyckelharpa

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