Album: (self-titled)
- 5 Year Winter
- A Tool To Scream
- At Zero
- The Dreams That Don't Come True
- The End of His World
- The Race of Standing Still
- Trash Can Hands
- Witchhunter
Album: All Else Failed
- A Simple Reminder
- All Else Failed
- Foresight
- Growing In Grace
- In These Times Of Silence
- Ps.77
- Resistance
- In Loving Kindness
- Endure
- Exchange
Album: Liberate Te Ex Inferis
- Autopsy
- Dark Cold Sound
- Desire The End
- If These Scars Could Speak
- Kathleen Barbra
- Savannah
- Skin Like Winter
- The Ghost Psalm
- I desire the end
Album: Parade Of Chaos
- A Pirate's Prayer
- Angel Without Wings
- Free The Three
- How Are The Weak Free
- Killing Cupid
- Man In The Womb
- Paradise Of Chaos
- Suspend/Suspension
- The Buzzing
- parade of chaos
Album: The Splinter Shards The Birth Of Separation
- Endure
- Exchange
- In Loving Kindness
- Particle
- Repressed
- Song 1
- Surrounds Me
- The Children Cry For Help
- Times Of Separation
Album: Where Blood And Fire Bring Rest
- A Fall Farewell
- Ember
- For A Fair Desire
- I remember the first war, the way the sky burned
- Lies Of Serpents, A River Of Tears
- March
- Ravage Ritual
- The Latter Rain
- To Think Of You Is To Treasure An Absent Memory
- Fifteen rhema
- A latter rain
Album: Zao