The Longest Pee
Artist: Adam Sandler
Album: They're All Gonna Laugh At You
Performed by adam sandler and rob schneider
[line of people talking]
"hey man, let me in there first"
-"go ahead man, take it easy"
"thanks, i really gotta pee"
[open door, close door]
[unzip pants]
[start pissin..........groaning....]
"oh man"
"ohhh yeah"
[......stop briefly]
[start pissing again..]
"oh man"
"oh man"
"oh man"
[.......gets louder]
"oh man"
[..........and louder]
"oh man!!"
[ loud as a hose]
"oh man!!! oh.."
"oh no!"
"oh man!"
[...............slows down]
"ahhhhhh...there ya go"
[fart! starts pissing loudly again]
"oh! oh man!"
"oh my god!"
[banging on the door]
[pissing slows down to dribble]
"i'll be out in a minute!"
"oh..oh my"
"oh...oh thank god"
[zips up pants]
[pisses in pants]
"awwww man!"
[people laughing]
-"hey man, you pissed in your pants"
"i know"
-"so did i"
"i guess that makes us piss pals"
[horrible annoying laughter]
Adam Sandler: Buddy Adam Sandler: Food Innuendo Guy